dinsdag 14 december 2010

Wikileaks- Freedom of Speech & The Truth !

All this propaganda to make Anonymous quoted as "terrorist", "Traitor" and more...
Just isnt going to work.

America has the beautifull habbit of tapping phones, emails and ofcourse creditcard data en Transfers.
Under the known excuse "BE SCARED FOR TERRORISTS !"

Now they want to hide the hunderds or maybe thousands of children and innocent people that have died because of the war against "Terror", (OIL) they now want controle the flow of internet and make people crumble under there flag.

i quote That Jullian Assange is called a , Terrorist, Raper or Hero.

I Think that last, because our group has found out that Americas secret agency is behind this "Rape" report.

This making it easier for them to sue him and trackdown his location, because if he didnt report @ a police station he would be a fuditive. There for he knows his isnt guilty.

That he is compared to Bin-Laden as a high-tech terrorist is just LOL !
Everything America is afraid of is that there Back-door Meetings and assasinations are being brought to the public.

Therefore loosing there position as a Big Land With Loadzzz of Muneysszz..

PEace Out Jullian Assanga And Anon !

Join The Raid and get behind a ProxY !